It is strongly recommended you have a referral before seeing Dr Rtshiladze. The referral letter often has valuable background information about your medical history and presenting condition which can assist us in better understanding your needs. It is important to be aware that without a referral you will not be able to claim the Medicare rebate for your specialist consultation. We kindly request that all children attending the practice to meet with Dr Rtshiladze about a craniofacial concern submit a referral from their GP, paediatrician or other specialist.
Dr Rtshiladze has two main practice locations in Sydney. These are located in Kogarah and North Sydney. To find the addresses of both locations please refer to our practice locations & contact page.
You can assist us by bringing with you to your appointment the following:
- Referral from your GP or specialist (if not sent prior to your appointment).
- Your Medicare and Health Fund Membership card (if applicable).
- Any pathology reports you may have in relation to your reason for consultation.
- Any X-rays, CT scans or other relevant medical imaging you have in relation to your reason for consultation.
- A list of any questions you may have in regards to your reason for consultation.
As with all professional services there is a consultation fee for your initial appointment with Dr Rtshiladze. The fee will be discussed with you by our staff when you book your appointment.
Normally all surgery and fees will be discussed after your initial consultation as not all patients are required to have surgery in hospital. For some patients it may be appropriate to have minor procedures done in the practice rooms where we have clinical care areas and nursing staff available. For other patients no surgery may be necessary and just monitoring and follow up is required. If surgery is planned you will be given an estimate of fees in writing prior to any surgical booking.
Any type of surgery carries with it a level of risk. This level of risk is dependant on many factors relating to both the type of surgery you are having as well as your medical history. Dr Rtshiladze will spend time with you explaining the risks associated with your procedure and any strategies to be implemented to reduce potential complications of surgery.
The type of anaesthetic you require will be dependent on the type of procedure you are having. For some patients a simple local anaesthetic at the site of surgery (where you remain awake and alert) is all that is needed whilst for others a general anaesthetic in operating theatres is essential.
Dr Rtshiladze works with a select group of highly trained Anaesthetists. The type of anaesthetic required for your surgery will be discussed with you to ensure your needs are met.
This information will be provided to you prior to your procedure date but in general:
- Only stop medications as directed by Dr Rtshiladze.
- Please ensure you attend any investigations such as CT, PET, MRI and blood tests that Dr Rtshildaze requests for you. He will review and discuss these results with you prior to performing any surgical procedures.
- Please bring any relevant scans with you on your day of surgery.
- If you are having surgery in a hospital you will be contacted by them one day prior to your admission. You will be given details in regards to what time you should attend the hospital, when to begin fasting and what to bring with you.
- Please be aware that if your surgery requires general anaesthesia or sedation you will not be able to drive a car for 24 hours. If you are a day only patient you will need to arrange alternative transport to and from the hospital.
In the unlikely event that you experience a post-operative emergency or have urgent concerns, please follow the corresponding instructions.
For public patients who had surgery in a public hospital:
Please contact the hospital where you had surgery and ask to speak to the Plastic Surgery Registrar on call (they are contactable 24 hours a day, 7 days a week).
In case of a post-operative emergency please attend the nearest emergency department or the emergency department at the hospital where you had surgery.
For private patients who had surgery in a private hospital or in the practice rooms:
During Business Hours
The rooms at both practices are attended during business hours Monday to Friday from 9am to 5 pm. Please call the rooms during these hours and the reception staff will be able to assist you with your enquiry and provide further instructions if necessary.
After Hours
Please contact the hospital where your procedure was performed and ask for the Nursing Supervisor.